Наурыз на английском сочинения и курсовые работы. Учительские университеты Эссе на тему наурыз на английском языке


Открытый урок

по английскому языку

Тема : « “Nauryz” Work with vocabulary»

«Наурыз» Работа с лексикой.

В.В. Рязанова

преподаватель русского языка и литературы, английского языка

КГКП «Рудненский музыкальный колледж»

Костанайская область, г.Рудный

Text “Nauryz” Work with vocabulary


Практиковать использование лексики по теме «Наурыз»

Развивать словарный запас.

Воспитывать чувство патриотизма через обсуждение темы национального праздника.

Aims: (СЛАЙД 3)

To practice speaking on the theme “Nauryz”;

To develop the vocabulary;

To encourage patriotism through the discussing of the theme of national holiday.

Type of the lesson : the lesson of the new knowledge.

Тип урока: урок новых знаний

Kind : problem.

Вид : проблемное обучение.

Shape of the lesson : group.

Форма урока : групповое занятие.

Organizing moment:

Организационный момент:

Try to imaging what is the text about:

Попробуйте представить, очем будет текст используя пять ключевых слов.

You can use only these 5 words:

(The text is about the traditional spring holiday - Nayruz. All family prepares & eats Kozhe.)

Task 1 .

Checking of the home-task. What was your home-task?

Проверка домашнего задания.

Look through the text, analyze each sentence, give “marks” & make a summary

+ I knew it

New information

! (exclamation mark) It’s interesting!

Метод «ИНСЕРТ» - метод пометок. Каждое предложение текста анализируется и помечается специальными значками. Затем на основании пометок заполняется кластер: сплошная линия «Что я знал до прочтения текста?», прерывистая линия «Какую новую информацию я узнал из текста?»

Example (пример): +The most important Kazakh holiday of the year is "Nauryz" - -the Kazakh New Year. +It is celebrated on March 22, - when night and day are identical. !Families gather together to help each other in constructing a "yurt" which is a traditional Kazakh home. -On Nauryz you will see that it is decorated with beautiful Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets.

Task 2

1 word- Theme of the text (WHAT)

2 words describing the Theme (WHICH)

3 words describing the Activity of people (WHAT do they DO)

Sentence from 4 words about the Theme

Задание «Text Pyramid» - есть аналог задания «Синквейн»

Предполагаемый ответ:

Popular, traditional

Celebrate, decorate, sing

The most important Kazakh holiday.

Task 3

Text Frame Complete the text using the frame.

«Скелет» текста – опорная схема для пересказа.

This text is about_____________. It is celebrated_______when____. _____gather_______constructing a yurt _____. As a guest _____. ___ traditional meal______. It is made of________. At the end_____have tea &________. ____is very popular_________.

The work with cards

The most important Kazakh holiday of the year is "Nauryz" - the Kazakh New Year. It is celebrated on March 22, when night and day are identical. Families gather together to help each other in constructing a "yurt" which is a traditional Kazakh home. On Nauryz you will see that it is decorated with beautiful Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets.

As a guest you will sit at a long low table and eat such Kazakh dishes as "karta" (round pieces of dried horse meat), "plov", "baursak", "besbarmak" (5 fingers-a meal which consists of noodles, onion, sheep meat).

The main traditional meal of this holiday is "Nauryz Kozhe". It is made of 7 components: meat, water, salt, airan, wheat, rice and raisin. Nauryz Kozhe is cooked by a family or a group of families or the people of the whole aul, village or settlement. All grown-ups and children must eat Kozhe or at least taste it. In fact this kind of Kozhe is a wish, a hope for the New Year to be successful.

At the end of the meal you will sit and have tea and listen to musicians playing dombyras and kobyz and singing songs. One of the major features of "Nauryz” is the traditional costumes that men and women wear. This holiday is very popular like many other holidays you celebrate in spring.

Card 1 (СЛАЙД 10)

Translate the words :

Переведите выделенные слова :

The most важный Kazakh holiday of the year is "Nauryz" - the Kazakh New Year. It is празднуется on March 22, when ночь and day are identical. Families собираются together to help each other in constructing a "yurt" which is a traditional Kazakh home. On Nauryz you will see that it is decorated with красивый Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets. As a гость you will sit at a long low table and eat such Kazakh dishes as "karta", "plov", "baursak", "besbarmak" (a meal which состоит из noodles, onion, sheep meat). The main традиционное блюдо of this holiday is "Nauryz Kozhe". It is делают , готовят of 7 components: meat, water, salt, airan, wheat, rice and raisin. Nauryz Kozhe is cooked by a family or a группа of families or the люди of the whole aul, village or settlement. All подростки and children must eat Kozhe or at least taste it. In fact this kind of Kozhe is a wish, a надежда for the New Year to be successful. At the end of the meal you will sit and пить чай and listen to musicians playing dombyras and kobyz and singing песни . One of the главный features of "Nauryz” is the traditional costumes that men and women wear. This holiday is very популярный like many other holidays you celebrate in spring.

Card 2 (СЛАЙД 11)

Re-write, put the words in the right order.

Переписать, поставить слова в нужной последовательности.

1. Is, on March 22, when, celebrated, are identical, Nauryz, night and day.

2. Kazakh , and, is beautiful, yurt, ornaments, decorated with, rugs, blankets.

3. traditional, the main, this, meal, holiday, is, "Nauryz Kozhe", of.

4. is, holiday, popular, very, this.

Card 3 (СЛАЙД 12)

Find the missing forms of the verbs:

Напиши недостающие формы неправильных глаголов:

Card 4 (СЛАЙД 13)

Complete the sentences:

Закончи предложение .

1. The most important Kazakh holiday…

2. It is celebrated on…

3. Families gather together…

4. The main traditional meal…

5. It is made of…

6. At the end of the meal…

Card 5 (СЛАЙД 14)

Say who (what)?

Скажи кто (что?)

What is celebrated on March 22?

Who gather together to help each other in constructing a "yurt"?

Who will eat such Kazakh dishes as "karta", "plov", "baursak", "besbarmak"?

What is the main traditional meal?

What is made of 7 components?

Who must eat Kozhe?

Card 6 (СЛАЙД 15)

Make the disjunctive questions.

Задай разделительный вопрос.

1. Nauryz is celebrated on March 22,…?

2. The yurt is decorated with beautiful Kazakh ornaments, rugs and blankets, …?

3. The main traditional meal of this holiday is "Nauryz Kozhe",…?

4. This holiday is very popular,…?

Card 7 (СЛАЙД 16)

Prove that:

Докажи что:

1. Nauryz is the most important Kazakh holiday of the year.

2. This holiday is very popular

Card 8 (СЛАЙД 17)

Find & write down from the text:

Найди и выпиши из текста:

2. Adjective (3)

3. Prepositions (3)

5. Verbs: in Pres. Ind.(1), in Past Ind. (1), in Future Ind.(1), Modal verb (1), Infinitive (1).


Giving the marks.

    Give your idea of the lesson:


Home-task: to read & translate text “Astana”

Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний с использованием элементов технологии развития критического мышления.

Цель : формирование представления о культуре, традициях Казахского народа на примере празднования Наурыза.


обучающие: дать новую информацию о традиционном празднике Наурыз в Казахстане, тренировать лексику по теме в разнообразных упражнениях;

развивающие: развить навыки монологической и диалогической речи, чтения, письма;

воспитательные: воспитание у учащихся интереса и уважения к культуре родной страны; развивать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению английского языка.

Формы : фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая, развитие навыков общения в группе, толерантного понимания других людей.

Оборудование урока: компьютерная презентация к уроку, дидактический материал о Наурызе, музыка Кара Жорга, ватманы, фломастеры, стикеры, открытки, ингредиенты для приготовления баурсаков, готовые баурсаки, разноцветные ленточки, веточка дерева.

I. Organization moment.

Good morning, students! Good morning, our dear guests! I’m glad to greet you at our lesson.
Today you have got an unusual lesson.

I want you to look at the blackboard and guess what you are going to speak about today at the lesson.
Use the ABC, break the code and you’ll get the theme of our lesson. For example: the 1st letter of the English alphabet is Aa.


(Pupils name the letter of each number and get the theme of the lesson)
(Key: 14 - n, 1 - a, 21 - u, 18 - r, 25 - y, 26 - z)

P: We’re going to speak about Nauryz.

T: Right you are.

II. Vocabulary revision.

Before speaking about Nauryz let’s revise the words according to this theme.
The words you can see on the board have missed letters. Fill in the right missing letters, read and translate them in Russian.
(Print the card of the word with missed letters on one side and key word on the other one).

1) b - - - - - ing
2) c - - - - - - te
3) eq - - - - x
4) w - - h
5) c - - - - - - - - - tions
6) sy - - - - - ze

(Key words: beginning/celebrate/equinox/wish/congratulations/symbolize)

III. Textwork «Nauryz - Kazakh New Year».

Do you want to learn about celebration of Nauryz in our country?

On each desk of the classroom you can find an envelope. In each envelope there’s a cut sentence about Nauryz. Your task is to put the words in the correct order to make the right sentences and then you’ll read them aloud. What is equinox? Pay attention to the pronunciation of this word /’i: kwinoks/. You can explain it in Russian. If you can’t explain it, read the definition of it on the board - It’s time of the year when the day and the night are of equal length.

(Pupils work in pairs and make up the sentences from the words; a teacher goes pass the desks, checks the sentences of each pair and then the pupils read them aloud)

1. Nauryz is a great holiday for all people of Kazakhstan.
2. It’s the beginning of a new year.
3. People celebrate this holiday on the 21st of March, the day of the spring equinox.
4. Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day.
5. On Nauryz people make wishes and give congratulations.
6. On the Nauryz holiday, people wear beautiful national clothes, listen to and sing Kazakh songs, dance Kara Zhorga, play musical instruments and traditional games.
7. Beshbarmak, kuyrdak, kozhe, baursak are traditional meals on the holiday.

IV. Writing wishes and congratulations on the postcards.

1). Brain Storm.

You’ve said that on Nauryz people make wishes and give congratulations. What do we wish on the holiday Nauryz? (Pupils name the words and a teacher writes down them on the board)

2). Making up wishes on Nauryz.

Make up your own wishes and say them to each other.

For example: I wish you success, happiness, prosperity and good health on Nauryz. Or

(A teacher explains to pupils the rules of the usage of the verbs «wish» and «let» in English. Pupils make up their own congratulations, write down them on the piece of paper and stick them on the board.)

Congratulations on Nauryz holiday!
Let this holiday bring you a lot of pleasure and happiness!
Let the Nauryz bring to your life new and nice changes.
We wish you and your family well-being, happiness and joy!
I Wish you happiness, love, success and prosperity.
Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness.
With a holiday! Joy, happiness, health, love!
I wish you good spring mood and a lot of joy and light

3). Writing down pupils’ wishes on the postcards.

Write down you wishes on the postcards which I have prepared for you.

My dear, parents!
I congratulate you with Nauryz!
I wish you happiness, success, well-being and health.

Your son/daughter.

4). A tree of wishes.

There is a quote: So many countries, so many customs. In KZ there is a custom to tie a ribbon on a branch of a tree to make a wish. Do you want to take part in this activity? Come up to the tree, take a ribbon, tie it on a branch and make a wish.

(A teacher prepares a branch of any tree, ribbons of different colours and a card with written wishes on it. At first teacher takes a ribbon, reads her/his wishes and ties it on a branch, then one pupil takes a ribbon, reads his/her wishes and ties it on a branch, then the second pupil takes a ribbon, reads his/her wishes and ties it on a branch too and etc.)

V. Pause. Dance Kara Zhorga.

You’ve said that on the Nauryz holiday, people wear beautiful national clothes, listen to and sing Kazakh songs, dance Kara Zhorga, play musical instruments and traditional games. Let’s have a rest & dance Kara Zhorga (The teacher switch on the music or video and pupils dance).

VI. Listening to the recipe of baursaks.

Do you like baursaks? Can you cook them? Pupil 1 shows you how to cook them.

1). Before listening to the recipe, pay attention to the following words, their meanings and pronunciation: flour/’flaue/, yeast /’ji: st/, pinch and dough /’dou/. Listen to the recipe of baursaks. Now, Pupil1, it’s your turn.

Pupil 1: Take four glasses of flour, one glass of thick sour milk, one table spoon of yeast, one table spoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and 400 grams of vegetable oil. Make dough, divide it into small balls and fry them.
Taste yourselves!

2). Now listen again the recipe of baursaks and then fill in the sentences of the text on the cards you’re given with the proper words.

Take four glasses of 1 ___, one glass of thick 2 ___ milk, one table spoon of 3 ____, one table 4 ____ of sugar, a 5_____ of salt and 400 grams of vegetable 6_____. Make 7 _____, divide it into small 8 ____ and fry them. 9 ______ yourselves!

3). Exchange you cards, check each other using the key on the board and put the mark.

(Key: 1- flour, 2 - sour, 3 - yeast, 4 - spoon, 5 - pinch, 6 - oil, 7- dough, 8 - balls, 9 - taste.
1- 2 mistakes - «4», 3 mistakes - «3», 4 and more mistakes - «2»)

VII. Check yourself.

1). Let’s control your knowledge about Nauryz Day. Match the question with the right answer and then using the answers retell the text about Nauryz.

1. When do people celebrate Nauryz?
2. What kind of day is it?
3. What does this holiday symbolize?
4. What do people usually do on Nauryz?
5. What are traditional meals on this holiday?

A. It’s the beginning of a new year, the day of the spring equinox.
B. People celebrate this holiday on the 21st of March.
C. Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth,
happiness and love and a great friendship day.
D. On the Nauryz holiday, people wear
beautiful national clothes, listen to and sing Kazakh songs,
dance Kara Zhorga, play musical instruments
and play traditional games.
E. Beshbarmak, kuyrdak, kozhe, baursak are
traditional meals on the holiday.

2). There’s an unknown poem about Nauryz. I wish you to listen, read and remember it.

Amazing, funny.
Everybody smiles sunny.
We prepare special food.

Delicious, big.
We enjoy it.
It brings me calories.

VIII. Reflection.

Our lesson is coming to an end. Please, tell me your opinion about our lesson using these phrases:

I like the lesson.
I don’t like the lesson.
I feel happy.
I feel tired.

Put your sticker near your opinion. You may use some stickers. Thank you very much for your attention and work! Happy Nauryz Day! Good bye!

IX. Your home task is to retell the text about Nauryz Day.

Список используемой литературы:

studall. org/all2-171005.html
https:/www. officeholidays. com
https://healthfan. biz/4119-baursaks-recipe. html
https://www. youtube. com
acc. pushkinlibrary. kz/top-show/98-news-ardlive-2003.htm

Now Kazakhstan is preparing to celebrate one of important nation holidays, Nauryz, so I want to introduce my readers with this holiday’s traditions and parallel to practise to writing compositions.
For kazakhs Nauryz is symbol of spring renew, grand of love, fertility and friendship. In old days before Nauryz arrival people had turned out their houses and farm, for holiday’s name after had planted trees and flowers. It is believed, that if Nauryz is coming in to clear home to good owner, illnesses, failures, hardships are comed around the side of.
«Nauryz» means «spring"s born». This is the most main and old festival for east nations. Properly speaking, the 22nd day of March is New Year in line with east calendary. It has other name, Ulys Kuni (New Year’s First Day) or Ulystyn Uly Kuni (People’s Great Day). It is believe, free celebrating of Nauryz will bring affluence and success for house for all year.
Celebrating accompanied universal fun, games, horses races and other jollity. The main ritual course of this holiday is Nauryz-kozhe, which consists of 7 ingredients, which symbolized 7 elements of live: water, meat, solt, fat, flour, grass (rise, maize/corn or wheat) and milk. This ingridients symbolizes joy, luck, wisdom, health, welfare, speed, growth and divine protection.

P.S. Я использовала текст на русском, привожу его ниже. При проверке своего сочинения уже вижу ошибки с самого первого предложения: Currently, Kazakhstan is actively preparing for the celebration of one of the major public holidays - Nauryz, so I would like to introduce my readers to the traditions of the festival, and of parallel practice in writing essays.

Выставляю на обсуждение.

В настоящее время Казахстан активно готовится к празднованию одного из значительных государственных праздников – Наурыз, поэтому я хотела бы познакомить моих читателей с традициями данного праздника, ну и параллельно потренироваться в написании сочинения.
Для казахов Наурыз мейрамы является символом весеннего обновления, торжества любви, плодородия и дружбы. В старину до прихода Наурыза, люди приводили свои дома и хозяйство в порядок, в честь праздника сажали деревья, цветы. Считалось, что если Наурыз входит в чистый дом к хорошему хозяину, то болезни, неудачи, невзгоды обходят его стороной.
«Наурыз» означает «рождение весны». Это наиболее важный и древний фестиваль восточных народов. Собственно говоря, 22 марта – это Новый Год согласно древнему восточному календарю. У него есть и другое название, Улыс Куны («Первый день Нового Года») или Улыстын Улы Куны («Великий день народа»). Считается, что щедрое празднование праздника Наурыз принесет в дом изобилие и успех на целый год.
Празднования сопровождаются повсеместным весельем, играми, лошадиными скачками и другими увеселениями. Главным ритуальным блюдом этого праздника является наурыз-коже, который должен состоять из 7 ингредиентов, символизирующих 7 элементов жизни: вода, мясо, соль, жир, мука, злаки (рис, кукуруза или пшеница) и молоко. Эти ингредиенты символизируют радость, удачу, мудрость, здоровье, благосостояние, скорость, рост и божественную защиту.

Аюпова Жадыра. Школа №33, Родина, Целиноградский район, Акмолинская область, Республика Казахстан
Сочинение на английском языке с переводом. Номинация Люди и общество.

Nauryz - feast of peace and good

Most of the territory of Kazakhstan is steppes. In spite of the fact that steppe seems deserted it is full of life. Steppe can be different: dusty and droughty, snow-clad and frozen congeal. But it is especially beautiful in spring being covered with fresh green grass and tulips and the air is full of sweet smell.

The symbol of the steppe is the smell of wormwood. The legend of Polovtsians who are far ancestors of the Kazakh people says that the very smell of this dry grass tuft was used by Кhan Syrchan in order to tempt his brother convincing him come back home, to his native steppes. Steppe is the personification of my homeland, my Kazakhstan.

There are many sayings of famous people about native land and fatherland. Most of all I like the sayings of V.Pekelis and W.Heins.

“The image of Motherland is always concrete. It cannot be indistinct, common. You like native country where you were born and grew up. For one person it is the burning sun over the head, for the other it is cold flashes of Aurora Borealis. One person likes silence of the village noon, the other likes dissonance of the city street.”(V.Pekelis)

“True love to your people, to your Motherland is impossible without love and honour of the other countries and people. Patriotism is contained in this - not opposing you to the whole world but respect and deep understanding your people, the feeling of responsibility for the fate of your country, which helps to see true value of any other culture.” (W.Heins)

Vast and rich is the Kazakh land. It is created by a liberal hand of nature, its broad gesture and on a dizzy grand scale. High mountains reach the sky with their tops; boundless steppes amaze with the abundance of the ripening cornfields, with colours of flowers; woods give coolness in the summer heat and the rivers and lakes provide life-giving water to all living-beings of this beneficial land. The history of my republic is rich in chronicles and roots back thousands of years. Unique and original are traditions and culture of Kazakh people. One of the great feasts of the Kazakhs is Nauryz. Nauryz in Persian means "New Day". This great, joyous spring festival which came to us from ancient times is celebrated in all the continents of the earth. March 22 is the vernal equinox. According to the Eastern tradition this day is the time when the noontide spirit returns from the underworld and carries light to the blind, healing to the infirm, and the peace to the belligerent.

Nauryz! I peer into the sky ... It is so clear and blue! Today is a special day that brings us special feelings, gives us the beauty of the earth. I want to dissolve in our endless Kazakh steppes! On this day all people become dreamers, and everyone wants to become a magician to do good.

The streets and the main square of our village are filled with the eavesdrop ringing, birds singing, the music of nature itself. This beautiful music of spring will sound in the people’s hearts forever. My little homeland is the village of Rodina.

Motherland… This word contains such concepts as happiness, luck, wisdom, health, generosity, wealth, prosperity, kindness... This way you can go on forever!

This year Nauryz was celebrated very colorfully and sincerely in our village. In order to share the joy of the spring arrival, both the old and the young got together on the square. The culinary exhibition represented the national dishes of different peoples living in our village. Celebration inthe square was followed by sport competitions, performances of folk talents. Colorful fair attracted people. All people had fun, gave each other gifts and wished all sorts of good. On this great day everything was like in a fairy tale full of wonders. On the faces of people there were happy smiles, from their lips sounded warm and truly heartfelt and touching to tears words full of tenderness. I would like this day not end and last for an eternity! I’ll keep it in my memory and my heart.

This holiday was celebrated by the great and united multi-ethnic family under the hospitable shanyrak of Kazakhstan. Over all of us is the peaceful sky where an eagle - the symbol of freedom soars.

This unity allows us say proudly that we are one of those states where "the main priority is stability and international consent." (Nursultan Nazarbayev)

It is great that any holiday in our country has many faces and is multilingual. And what is the most important that all peoples are united by the great sense of gratitude and love to the Motherland.

Our main goal is to continue building independent Kazakhstan supporting the policy of our President.

The best wishes to my native land I want to express by the words of the song:

I wish you light and joy, peace and prosperity too,
Sincere devoted friends, sunny days in your fate!
I wish you, my land, I wish you, my land,
Of course, clear sky and also good luck to you!

Большую часть территории Казахстана занимают степи. Несмотря на то, что степь кажется пустынной, она полна жизни. Степь может быть разной: пыльной и засушливой, заснеженной и оледенелой. Но она особенно прекрасна весной, когда покрыта свежей зеленой травой и тюльпанами, а воздух наполнен благоуханием.

Символ степи - запах емшана - полыни. Легенда половцев, далеких предков казахов, гласит, что именно запах пучка этой сухойтравы хан Сырчан использовал для искушения своего брата, убеждая его вернуться домой, в родные степи.

Существует множество высказываний знаменитых людей о родной земле, об отчизне. Больше всего мне нравятся высказывания ВПекелиса и У.Хейнса.

«Образ Родины всегда конкретен. Он не может быть расплывчатым, общим. Любят родной край, где родился и вырос. У одного это палящее солнце над головой, у другого - холодные вспышки северного сияния. У одного это тишина деревенского полдня, у другого - разноголосица городской улицы». (В.Пекелис)

«Истинная любовь к своему народу, своей Родине невозможна без любви и уважения к другим странам и народам. В этом и заключается патриотизм - не противопоставление себя всему миру, но уважение и глубокое понимание своего народа, чувство ответственности за судьбу своей страны, помогающее видеть истинную ценность любой другой культуры». (У.Хейнс)

Обширна и богата казахская земля. Она сотворена щедрой рукой природы, ее широким жестом и головокружительным размахом. Высокие горы упираются своими вершинами в небеса, бескрайние степи поражают обилием зреющих нив, красками цветов, леса дарят прохладу в летний зной, а реки и озера дают живительную влагу всему живущему на этой благодатной земле. История моей республики богата летописями и уходит корнями в глубь тысячелетий. Уникальными и самобытными являются традиции и культура казахского народа.

Одним из великих праздников у казахов считается Наурыз. Наурыз в переводе с персидского языка означает «Новый день». Этот великий, радостный весенний праздник, пришедший к нам с древнейших времен, празднуется на всех континентах земного шара.

22 марта - день весеннего равноденствия. По восточному преданию, в этот день происходит возвращение из-под земли полуденного духа, несущего свет - слепым, исцеление - немощным, мир - воюющим.

Наурыз! Я всматриваюсь в небо… Оно такое чистое и голубое! Сегодня особенный день, который несет нам особые чувства, дарит красоту земли. Мне хочется раствориться в наших бесконечных казахстанских степях! В этот день все становятся мечтателями, и каждый хочет стать волшебником, чтобы творить добро.

Улицы и главная площадь нашего аула заполнены звоном капели, пением птиц - музыкой самой природы. Эта прекрасная музыка весны навсегда останется в сердцах людей. Моя малая родина - аул Родина. В этом слове заложены такие понятия, как счастье, удача, мудрость, здоровье, щедрость, богатство, благополучие, доброта…Так можно продолжать бесконечно! В этом году Наурыз в нашем ауле отмечался очень красочно и задушевно. На площади, чтобы разделить радость прихода весны, собрались и стар, и млад. На кулинарной выставке были представлены национальные блюда разных народов, живущих в нашем ауле. Праздник на площади сопровождался спортивными состязаниями, показом народных талантов.Красочная ярмарка влекла к себе людей. Все веселились, дарили друг другу подарки и желали всевозможных благ. В этот великий день все было как в волшебной сказке, полной чудес. На лицах людей - счастливые улыбки, из уст звучали теплые, воистину сердечные и до слез трогательные слова,полные нежности. Я хотела, чтобы этот день не кончался и длился целую вечность! Он навсегда останется в моей памяти и моем сердце.

Этот праздник под гостеприимным шаныраком Казахстана отмечала большая и дружная многонациональная семья. Над всеми нами мирное небо, в котором парит орел - символ свободы. Это единение позволяет с гордостью заявить о том, что мы из тех государств, где «главным приоритетом является стабильность и международное согласие». (Н.А.Назарбаев) Здорово, что любой праздник в нашей стране многолик и многоязычен. А самое главное, что все народы объединены великим чувством благодарности и любви к Родине.

Наша главная цель - поддерживая политку нашего Президента, продолжать строить независимый Казахстан.

Пожелание своей родной земле я хочу выразить словами песни:

Света тебе и радости, мира и благоденствия,
Верных друзей хороших, солнечных дней в судьбе!
Желаю тебе, земля моя, желаю тебе, земля моя,
Высокого неба ясного и счастья желаю тебе!

Nauryz is one of the oldest holidays on Earth. This holiday of spring and the renewed life of the Earth has been celebrated for over five thousand years by many cultures of the Middle and Central Asia and, according to some sources, by eastern Slavs as well.

Historical records referring to this holiday can be found in ancient and middle age documents. In the oriental chronology, it corresponds to Navruz, the Iranian New Year. Kazakhs, Uzbeks and Uighurs passed the Nauryz traditions from generation to generation. The Tajiks called it Gulgardon or Gulnavruz, the Tatars refer to it as Nardugan and the Ancient Greeks knew it as Patrich. The roots of this holiday can be traced to old pagan rituals. The celebration was meant to reflect people"s love to nature. People have preserved the rituals, and today the holiday has acquired new spiritual and ethical meaning.

This holiday has been celebrated on 22 March, the day of the spring equinox. That"s why the Kazakhs call the month of March Nauryz . It was celebrated as the day of the renewed life which comes with the spring. It was the day when the first spring thunder strikes, buds are swelling on the trees and vegetation grows wildly. Nauryz as a non-religious celebration of the spring and renewal is closely linked to some other Kazakh holidays, such as a "farewell to winter" festival. Boys born on this day would be called Nauryz bai or Nauryz bek, and girls Nauryz or Nauryz gul. It was seen as a good omen if it was snowing on that day.

The March snow is usually soft and particularly white. Beautiful girls were often compared to the white snow of Nauzys. In the past, the Kazakh called Nauryz the Day of the People or the Great Day of the People. People believed, the more generous the celebration of Nauryz was the happier the year would be. Therefore, there are so many rituals and festivities related to this holiday. On the eve of the holiday, people would clean their homes, pay back their debts and reconciled with their opponents because, as the old people used to say, if Nauryz entered the house, all diseases and failures would pass it by. On the night before the festival, all vessels in the house would be filled with milk, airan (plain yogurt), grain, and spring water because it meant that people would have a lot of milk, good yield and plenty of rain during the coming year.

During the day, everybody tried to be in good spirits, would give a big hug to each other and wish good fortune and happiness to others. The celebrations would begin with sunrise. There is an old ritual "If you see a spring, clean up its source". At dawn, all adults, youngsters and children would pick up spades, go to an agreed place near a spring or aryk (small water canal) and clean it. There, they would also plant trees under the supervision of respectable old people. During the process, they had to say: "Let a man leave a tree rather than a herd in the people"s memory" and "If you cut one tree, you will have to plant ten!"